May 2024 - On May 1, the last quarter moon in Aquarius marks the time to let go of the old and welcome the new.

It’s a transformative time as Pluto begins its retrograde journey in Aquarius on the second. We are aligning ourselves with like-minded individuals and advancing our views with society. During the retrograde, we may take a step back from technological advances, which is common since Aquarius is the sign of innovation.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7 brings creativity and a change in how we approach partnerships. This is also a time for deep connections with others. With the new moon in Taurus, we are expressing ourselves artistically and seeking to enhance romance in our lives.

On the fifteenth, the second quarter moon in Leo encourages us to approach things with a fresh perspective and follow our passions. This may lead us to embrace new ideas and viewpoints that resonate with us deeply. When Mercury enters Taurus later in the day, we have an opportunity to fully commit to our beliefs. However, communication might become more rigid, with people being less flexible than before. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that we are clear about what we’re expressing and have complete faith in our ideas.

The sun moves into Gemini on May 20, allowing us to take a dualistic view on matters and communicate our thoughts effectively.

The full moon in Sagittarius rises on the twenty-third, giving us a chance to broaden our horizons and gain a global perspective. Venus moves into Gemini later in the day, allowing us to connect with others on an intellectual level.

On May 25, Jupiter also moves into Gemini, ushering in a yearlong transit that encourages us to communicate differently and see things from a new point of view.

Finally, the last quarter moon in the sign of Pisces on the thirtieth prompts us to find a balance between our emotions and our rational thoughts.

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